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The data processed by ORI are managed by a dedicated team. They are supplied mainly by the supporting institutions and / or collected from official web sites of the participating organisations. ORI team processes the data to adapt them according to the database methodology & criteria. When you start the search, at least one of the Required Fields of research must be complete before you print SEARCH. The more criteria you chose, the finer your search becomes.

Required Fields / Areas of research are:

1. Partner countries:: MWith partner countries are meant the countries where institutional partners of Albanian organisations in a particular project, are registered.
Selection options may be:

  • One partner country, or
  • Two or more partner countries, or
  • All partner countries or No selection at all produces hits that do not take the geographical distribution into account. In this case the search should be carried out through AT LEAST one or two other remaining fields of research: The Donor or / and Sector of Activity.
2. The Donor: The identified donors are mainly development agencies classified according to the country they represent or, international institutions like the UN, EU, World Bank, etc. A state (or donor organization) may support a given initiative directly or through a larger /umbrella programme. Results for "donor" produce all the individual initiatives or umbrella programs funded by that donor, even if the donor (the state or the international organizations) is not the legal entity that signs the contract and / or transfers the funds to the partnership / Albanian partner. Options for selection may be:
  • One donor, or
  • Two or more donors, or
  • All donors or No selection at all produces hits that do not take the donor distribution into account. In this case the search should be carried out through AT LEAST one or two other remaining fields of research: The Partner Country or / and Sector of Activity.
3. Sector: : SIdentified sectors aim to offer a presentation as accurate and concise as possible of regional interoperability in Balkans. The sectors have been chosen in function of the intensity of the flows of regional cooperation, and also based on the approach of existing donors. Selection options can be:
  • One sector, or
  • Two or more sectors, or
  • All sectors, or
  • No selection or No Selection at All produces hits that do not take the Sector distribution into account. In this case the search should be carried out through AT LEAST one or two other remaining fields of research: The Partner Country or / and Donor.

ORI is updated regularly with new projects and new studies. The table below gives some grouped information about the ORI projects and the regional cooperation programs where Albanian partners participate. It must be stated that this is a photo representing a process and as such is always being updated and enriched with new projects and partners.  

The DonorPrograms/ProjectsNo. of projects stored in ORI
Austria (ADA, etc)In the SEE region, Austrian Development Cooperation has set itself the goal of contributing to sustainable inclusive development, to social peace and human security. Special importance is attached to gender equality and women's empowerment. Professional environmental management is also indispensable for sustainable ecological development in the region. Austrian Development Cooperation supports the countries in the Western Balkans region in improving their educational system through modernizing the vocational training. Furthermore, Austrian Development Cooperation aligns its efforts with the declared goal of the individual countries to complete the transition process with integration into EU or legal harmonization with the EU structures. By strengthening institutions and the economy, as well as improving agriculture, environment and climate change policies, a programme of the Central European Initiative for Knowledge Exchange (CEI) also contributes to bringing the countries into line with European standards
European Union / IPA Cross-borderPCross-border and transnational programs are financed by the European Union. They promote cooperation through joint partnership projects from both sides of the border amongst Western Balkans countries and / or EU countries. In the database figure the projects funded by the following programs:
  1. IPA Cross-border Albania-Greece
  2. IPA Cross-border Albania-Montenegro
  3. IPA Cross-border Macedonia- Albania
  4. IPA Cross-border Albania-Kosovo
  5. IPA Cross-border Adriatic
  6. IPA Cross-border South-eastern Europe
European Union / IPA multi beneficiaryCooperation programs with many beneficiaries are financing instruments of regional cooperation in the Balkans. As such they are an important element of the Stabilisation and association process - the process that drives the Western Balkan countries towards EU membership. These programs complement national programs of each country of the Western Balkans, focusing on the regional aspects helping countries to exchange experiences.
  1. Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)
  2. Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA)
  3. Regional School of Public Administration (RESPA)
  4. Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA)
  5. Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF)
  6. South-East Europe Transport Observatory (SEETO)
  7. Civil Society Facility (CSF)
  8. EU Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)
For more click here
Germany (GIZ / KfW / political foundations / etc)Currently in the database are found regional projects financed by:
  1. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung - Office in Tirana, ,
  2. GIZ. Initiatives of regional cooperation are financed through the program “Open Regional Funds for South-eastern Europe” since 2007.
Italy (Cooperazione Italiana / IADSA / etc) The program of Italian Cooperation includes also an innovative financing instrument: Debt Conversion Program for Development of Albania (IADSA). IADSA aims to support the implementation of projects in the social sector. Cooperation or partnerships with Albanian NGO and / or Italian, with Italian Regions and local entities and / or with International Organization for partial or complete implementation of the projects, are permissible and encouraged.
Visegrad + Western Balkans Visegrad+ is a funding program that aims to contribute to the process of democratization and transformation of the Western Balkan countries. The program Visegrad + Western Balkans is part of the International Visegrad Fund
Switzerland (SDC / RRPP / SECO / etc) Regional Research Promotion Programme for / Western Balkans (RRPP) aims to strengthen and promote research in the social sciences in the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia).
Switzerland (SDC / RRPP / SECO / etc) Regional Research Promotion Programme for / Western Balkans (RRPP) aims to strengthen and promote research in the social sciences in the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia).
Sweden (SIDA / etc.)In the Western Balkans, Swedish support is granted within the framework of the Stabilisation and Association Process. In 2014, a new comprehensive regional cooperation strategy will replace the bilateral cooperation. These new strategies will act as a support for the EU integration process, which is a key driver and an important tool to democratize and modernize the countries and make them more market economy oriented. Sida also engages interested Swedish Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) for example, Civil Rights Defenders (former Swedish Helsinki committee), Kvinna till Kvinna, Olof Palme International Centre and Cultural Heritage without Borders, which all have had a regional perspective in their support.
*The last date of update of this table is


The information presented in ORI is public information, collected by the data supplied mainly by donors, beneficiaries, and their official web pages. As such, they often reflect the methodology and the approach of the institution that produce them. Shtetiweb has tried to combine these data to facilitate their comparative and comprehensive presentation using the logic of "beneficiary & impact on the ground". Other institutions use different methods according to the given purpose. The list presented in ORI is not exhaustive and is continually updated by a dedicated team. If the interested parties notice any inaccuracy or incomplete information, they are kindly asked to contact us immediately at: info@shtetiweb.org. in order to remedy it. Also, any suggestions for enrichment, updating, correction of ORI is welcome.

Thënie për Shtetin

  • Një burrë shteti është një politikan që e vë vehten në shërbim të kombit. Një politikan është një burrë shteti që vë kombin e tij në shërbim të tij.
    - Georges Pompidou
  • Në politikë duhet të ndjekësh gjithmonë rrugën e drejtë, sepse je i sigurt që nuk takon kurrë asnjëri
    - Otto von Bismarck
  • Politika e vërtetë është si dashuria e vërtetë. Ajo fshihet.
    - Jean Cocteau
  • Një politikan mendon për zgjedhjet e ardhshme, një shtetar mendon për gjeneratën e ardhshme
    - Alcide de Gasperi
  • Europa është një Shtet i përbërë prej shumë provincash
    - Montesquieu
  • Duhet të dëgjojmë shumë dhe të flasim pak për të berë mirë qeverisjen e Shtetit
    - Cardinal de Richelieu
  • Një shtet qeveriset më mirë nga një njëri i shkëlqyer se sa nga një ligj i shkëlqyer.
    - Aristotele
  • Historia e lirisë, është historia e kufijve të pushtetit të Shtetit
    - Woodrow Wilson
  • Shteti. cilido që të jetë, është funksionari i shoqërisë.
    - Charles Maurras
  • Një burrë shteti i talentuar duhet të ketë dy cilësi të nevojshme: kujdesin dhe pakujdesinë.
    - Ruggiero Bonghi