☞ European PPP Expertise Center
Overview of the PPP Legal and Institutional Frameworks in the Western Balkans
☞ INTERACT: A thematic analysis of territorial developments and Interreg / ETC Investments
in the period 1990-2013 Final Version, January 2015
☞ European Parlament, Directorate General for Internal Policies, January 2015:
New role of macro-regions in European Territorial Cooperation
☞ Konferencë Rajonale, 4 Nëntor 2014, Fondacioni “Friedrich Ebert”:
Bashkëpunimi Rajonal si Forcë Shtytëse për Rritje Ekonomike dhe Stabilitet
☞ SIDA, Final Report, 2012:
☞ PISM, The Polish Institute of International Affars, October 2014:
Civil Society in the EU Integration of the Western Balkans
☞ Balkan Civil Society Development Network and the Queen Mary University of London:
“Donor Strategies and Practices for Supporting Civil Society in the Western Balkans”, 2014
☞ Fondacioni Kosovar për Shoqëri Civile:
“Doracak për nismat e bashkëpunimit rajonal në Evropën Juglindore” (2013)
☞ European Union:
☞ Regional Cooperation Council – South East Europe 2020:
Jobs and Prosperity in a European perspective (November 2013)